Compassion International's Mobile Experience Coming to Meridian, Idaho

We in America are blessed with homes, food, clothing, cars, access to education and many other things we take for granted. Much of the world's population lives in dire poverty and filth, wondering where the next meal will come from or who might break into the dirt-floored hut they call home. To help us privileged Americans begin to grasp the reality of poverty in developing nations, Compassion International ( developed the Compassion Experience, two large trailers containing the stories of children, now adults, whose lives were changed because they were sponsored children. As you walk through the Experience, you can see and hear what is real life for many of the world's children.

The Experience is coming to Meridian, Idaho September 11-14 at Ten Mile Christian Church, 3500 W. Franklin Road and Ten Mile. School classes, youth groups, Bible study groups and others will want to reserve time to visit the Experience, Volunteers will be on hand to help process what is seen, answer questions and share information about lifting a child out of poverty by sponsoring him/her. To reserve a time for your family or group to experience the Experience, check the above website. It will change your life and touch your heart.


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