Accidents Happen. Are You Covered?

At a wedding yesterday the mother of the groom fell down the stairs, hitting her head on a step and leaving a massive bump and bruise near her eye. A few years ago, two children were chasing each other when one fell and hit his head on a large ceramic pot, resulting in a trip to the emergency room for stitches. Small fires occurred at three events, all the result of guest negligence, not realizing that votive candle flames can be dangerous. Accidents happen, some because of careless behavior, others through no fault of the injured. But how are the costs associated with an accident handled?

Many venues require event organizers, hosts or both to secure insurance to cover the event. Some facilities offer their own day-of-event coverage which hosts can purchase for a nominal fee. Other event hosts choose to purchase coverage by adding a rider to their homeowner's insurance policy. If you are planning a large event and your venue doesn't require insurance, you may want to purchase your own policy anyway, just in case.

Before purchasing, be certain to check the provisions of the policy to determine exactly what is and is not covered. Some insurance policies, particularly those purchased through the venue, may cover only damage to the facility, not injury to guests or to guests' property, so read the policy carefully. 

And there is the issue of fault. Should the venue be negligent in any way, the responsibility should be theirs. However, if too much alcohol, neglectful parents, or another factor contributes to the injury, then responsibility may lie with the injured party, who will need to check with his/her personal medical insurance or homeowners insurance about covering the costs.

To protect yourself from a possible lawsuit, consider purchasing insurance for any event where alcohol will be served, there is a large body of water nearby or a rigorous activity might occur and to which a number of people will be invited. Better to be safe than have regrets later.


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