Celebrate the Holidays With a Cookie Exchange
Cookies and holidays go together. This is the time of year when families pull out their favorite cookie recipes even if they haven't baked all year. You can add to your recipe collection and try new cookies by organizing a cookie exchange. The exchange can be its own special event or it can be combined with another holiday activity. If you would like to get to know your neighbors, invite them over for coffee and cookies and add a cookie exchange. Or plan one at your church to coincide with a hoilday program or coffee hour. You might also arrange to exchange cookies with your work associates during the lunch hour one day. To plan an exchange, ask each person or family to bring homemade cookies (no store-bought ones, please) to munch and a dozen cookies on a separate plate to exchange. The host can provide paper plates and perhaps large zip-lock bags as well. Then, each family or person who brought cookies goes around and chooses a dozen cookies to take home. The biggest problem will